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盐城防静电地坪施工基础地面处理(水泥地面做无锡防静电地坪前进行打磨处理的目的)是指地面油污、潮气、灰尘等污物的清理,包括除去地面油污灰尘、干燥地面、修补地面裂缝、凹坑,形成清洁平整的无锡防静电地坪施工基面,基础地面处理工作是无锡防静电地坪施工工艺的第一步,也是非常重要的一步,直接决定无锡防静电地坪的施工效果以及无锡防静电地坪的使用寿命。基面处理常用的方法包括采用手工清理、抛射磨料清理、高压水表面处理。 The purpose of ground treatment of epoxy floor paint construction foundation (ground treatment before cement floor paint) refers to the cleaning of ground grease, moisture, dust and other dirt, including removing ground grease dust, drying ground, repairing ground cracks and pits, forming a clean and flat epoxy floor paint construction base surface. The ground treatment of foundation is the first step in the construction process of epoxy floor paint. It is also a very important step, which directly determines the construction effect of epoxy floor paint and the service life of epoxy floor paint. The common methods of base surface treatment include manual cleaning, abrasive ejection cleaning and high pressure water surface treatment. 1、手工清理

1. Manual cleaning 

手工清理主要是施工人员借助刷子或者使用角磨机等小型动力工具来清清除地面污物(无锡防静电地坪施工前地面油污清除方法)。角磨机主要是依靠电机带动钢磨片、砂轮等打磨件打磨需要涂装地坪漆的地面,以清除地表污物。这种方法灵活度较大,但设备噪声大,对操作人员的健康和环境影响较大。Manual cleaning is mainly done by the builder with the help of brushes or small power tools such as angle mills to clean up the ground dirt (floor paint before construction of the ground oil removal method). Angle mill mainly relies on motor to drive steel grinding discs, grinding wheels and other grinding parts to grind the ground, which needs to be coated with floor paint to remove surface dirt. This method is flexible, but the equipment noise is large, which has a great impact on the health and environment of operators. 


The working principle of angle grinder is to drive the grinding disc to grind or strike the base surface which needs to be coated by electric shock to tell the rotation or reciprocating movement, so as to achieve the purpose of removing surface debris. 


Generally, the flask of the angle mill is attached to the ground for polishing. For special foreign bodies and bulges which are not easy to remove, the angle between the angular grinding disc and the ground should be kept at 15 - 30, so as to better polish and clean up. 


2. Abrasive treatment by ejection 


Abrasive projection treatment is also called shot blasting treatment. It can use impeller to throw abrasives such as sand, shot, steel wire segment onto the target ground at high speed, strike the ground and remove dirt quickly and accurately. The ground treated by abrasive ejection has uniform roughness, and its dust recovery device can greatly reduce the dust pollution of construction site. 


The advantage of shot blasting treatment is that before the construction of epoxy floor paint, shot blasting treatment can not only quickly and accurately remove the old coating film and dirt, but also after shot blasting treatment, the surface cleaning quality of the floor is uniform, showing uniform roughness, which can improve the adhesion of the coating and prolong the service life of the coating. After shot blasting, the surface of the floor will be impacted by projectiles, which will expose hidden cracks in the floor, and so on. It can play a comprehensive inspection of the quality of the base surface. 


Because of equipped with dust recovery device, the environment around the work is better, which is conducive not only to avoid polluting the environment, but also to improve the working conditions, and is conducive to the health of the operators. 




High-pressure water surface treatment uses high-pressure water jet technology to produce 150 to 250 MPa ultra-high pressure pure water or high-pressure water abrasive jet, which will clean the ground under the action of its scouring force. 

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